Why You Need BioThane Dog Gear In Your Life
Amanda MorrisonShare
BioThane webbing originated as a material for horse tack.
It is heavy-duty, durable and will take a load of stress, making it the choice material for large animals.
It has since become a popular choice for dog gear because it is waterproof—and probably the best feature of all—it is 100% stink-proof and washable!
What exactly is it? It is the new “vegan leather” choice with a nylon interior webbing and a PVC coating. BioThane webbing is made in the USA. It is pliable in the cold, soft to the touch, and comes in an array of vibrant and earth-tone colours.
We established Backwoods Dog mainly as a distributor in the beginning of our business launch. We soon found it difficult to source quality products we wanted to carry in our online shop that suited our brand values and stood the test of ruggedness. We took the plunge and developed our own Backwoods Dog line of products, many of which are made with BioThane webbing.
BioThane is practically indestructible. It will replace other dog gear materials such as nylon, and rope because it will not rot, get stinky, or fray. Because of this, it has a long life—making it a perfect sustainable choice that will create less environmental waste over time.
When it gets dirty, a simple wipe with a cloth will do the trick! It can be sterilized by dabbing it with a small amount of rubbing alcohol, but in most cases, a little soap and water will do the trick.
Life with dogs gets messy. We want to provide a product that is easy to maintain, durable, but also beautiful! We think we have found the perfect material to represent all our core brand values in our BioThane lineup.